
  • Shashilekha BALACHANDRA Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Patchrin PEKANAN Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Ratanaporn PORNKUL Department of Radiology, Ramathibodi Hospital


Sub-glottic hemangioma is generally a benign lesion which causes upper airway obstruction and dyspnea. We reported MRI findings in a case of sub-glottic hemangioma. A 2 month-old Thai girl presented with progressive dyspnea and upper airway obstruction secondary to a mass on the left side of the sub-glottic trachea. Conventional radiographs, CT scan of the neck and indirect laryngoscopy prior to MRI study failed to reveal the presence of the lesion. Repeated laryngoscopy after MRI scan showed a mass in the sub-glottic trachea corresponded to the MRI findings. Hemangioma was diagnosed because this child also had cutaneous hemangioma in the occipital region. The potential lethal nature of these lesions was emphasized.


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How to Cite

BALACHANDRA S, PEKANAN P, PORNKUL R. MRI OF CONGENITAL SUB-GLOTTIC HEMANGIOMA: A CASE REPORT. ASEAN J Radiol [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];2(2):83-8. Available from:



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