
  • Panpen UTTAMAKUL Department of Radiology, Prince of Songkla University Hospital
  • Patchrin PEKANAN Department of Radiology, Ramathobodi Hospital
  • Mana ROJANAVUTHINON Department of Pathology, Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Pakorn JIARAKONOMUN Department of Radiology, Ramathobodi Hospital


A case of a huge mediastinal endodermal sinus tumor was shown in a 22-year- old male who presented with chronic cough and dyspnea. The mediastinal mass extends from right anterior mediastinum to the right posterior mediastinum. The tumor was a mixture of solid and cystic tissue. The airway was severely compressed. The sternum was destroyed and the anterior chest wall was invaded. The right pleural effusion was massive and multiple pleural nodules were found. The alpha feto-protein was markedly elevated and the beta HCG was zero. The patient passed away due to profound shock immediately after the procedure of intercostal drainage.


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How to Cite

UTTAMAKUL P, PEKANAN P, ROJANAVUTHINON M, JIARAKONOMUN P. A HUGE MEDIASTINAL GERM CELL TUMOR. ASEAN J Radiol [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];3(2):147-52. Available from: https://www.asean-journal-radiology.org/index.php/ajr/article/view/376



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