Fibrolipomatous infiltration, Hamartoma, Median nerveAbstract
A case of fibrolipomatous infiltration of the median nerve is presented. A male patient, 19 year-old presented with a mass at his left thumb and palm with gradual enlargement for 5 years. He had numbness of the hand while playing his guitar.
On physical examination, the mass was soft, had an ill-defined border and covered with normal skin. The provisional diagnosis was hemangioma.
Imaging studies including plain film and MRI with MRA which showed an enlarged median nerve with fibrolipomatous infiltration (hamartoma). No soft tissue calcification or abnormal vasculature was seen, so a hemangioma was excluded. Surgery was done to release a “carpal tunnel syndrome” and a biopsy was taken. The histologic MAY - AUG. 1999. Volume V Number II diagnosis was compatible with the MRI study.
This is a rare benign lesion. The diagnosis is easy and made possible by MRI imaging and eliminates an invasive angiogram study. We present a case of fibrolipomatous infiltration of the median nerve with a characteristic MRI finding.
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